Thursday, September 17, 2020

Have you really tried enough?

Hello there,

We have all heard the saying that sometimes you need to lose first to be successful. However, when you fail, people can lose hope. We have to keep trying more. There is a knowledge that we all live and forget over time; “No matter where in the world, a baby drops an average of 200 times before he learns to walk. "

People read a lot of books, watch movies, get an education to be successful, but when the effects are not repeated, they slowly become forgotten. This knowledge is something we all know by experiencing it on our own. However, as long as we do not address the failures over time, we can even forget this knowledge we know and experience. After failing 1-2 times in an action we decide to do, the vast majority of us give up immediately and do not try again. However, this process does not progress in this way at all during infancy.

When a baby begins walking trials, his family supports the baby with all his might. They lift it every time it drops and encourages it to try again. If a baby has no physical disabilities, he/she never stops trying to walk, and every baby, without exception, eventually achieves it. The fact that a person that cannot even turn left and right while lying on the ground when it is born begins to walk in a balanced way on both legs is a much more difficult action than any experience that a person may encounter later in his/her life.

Falling hurts the baby physically as well as the feeling of failure, which is a reason for giving up on its own. However, the baby never stops trying, no matter how painful it hurts.

After the childhood phase, things change completely in terms of our environment. Nobody, including our family, will support us in a matter we want to do, that we should continue after 1-2 failures. Beyond providing support, they make you believe that you cannot do this with negative speeches even in the first attempts, and if a person believes in something once, unfortunately, you cannot explain that the issue is not.

As we grow up, we forget the "secrets of success" that we knew very well from the very beginning. We keep trying to learn again. Millions of people around the world die before they can learn again, or they have done jobs or hobbies that are way beyond their capacity.

Perhaps the biggest reason for the family or those around us to encourage walking is that they too have passed that route and know that if they try, the baby can succeed. That's why they try to help us walk by holding our hands with great effort. In other decisions in life, because they do not have this kind of experience, they approach the suspicion of "I guess it won't happen, let it be ..." when we have two failures. After making a decision, if we try it 200 times without paying attention to the environment and with the same determination, we will be surprised by the result and have made a great discovery.

If starting a job is half of a job, believing that you can do that job is the other half. If we continue to work without giving up, we are hardly likely to fail. I hope we never stop trying. Remember, if we try at least 200 times with the same determination without listening to anyone's negative opinions, we will reach the result and experience great pleasure.

Keep faith, 

See you soon.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Hello there,

As you know, the aphorism in the title belongs to Nietzsche. I think it is one of the most powerful aphorisms that describes life in such a simple way. Normally, when one hears this phrase for the first time, it comes to the mind that after being under difficult conditions, one will have better conditions, which yes actually includes this meaning. But apart from that, it actually provides information about almost all of life.

For example, consider diseases. Smallpox has been quite deadly for many people, especially in recent ages. However, it has been discovered that if you survive the disease, it does not infect you again. So if it doesn't kill you, it removes your risk of getting caught again and makes you strong in this regard. As a result of research on this, smallpox vaccine was found and today, smallpox is almost never left all over the world.

Let's say you decide to do sports. The day you first start exercising, if you put out all your strength, your muscles may eventually suffer irreversible damage. An adverse movement done outside of sports can also cause this muscle damage. However, if you do the movement as it should be, without forcing it to the end, the muscles in the area where you are moving will be slightly fragmented but you will not see a high damage. Moreover, with this slight disintegration, with the support of your cells in that area, better quality muscle cells are produced compared to those that are broken down. And in this way, the area you work on will have healthier and stronger muscles.

There are highly toxic animals in some areas. The poison injected into you with a tiny bite can cause you to die in a very short time. In such areas, poisons taken from animals are given to humans in small doses from certain ages and people are made immune to that venom. A poison that can kill another person within 5 minutes causes only effects such as itching and pain in immunized people.

Allergy treatment is actually the same. If there is an allergy to a particular animal or plant, the protein cell of that animal is given as a serum with small doses under the doctor's control, and it can completely eliminate your allergy within 3-5 years.

If we consider it to be success, according to a research conducted in recent years, it has been revealed that people who do not get enough support at the beginning of their career are more successful in the future than those who can get support. In other words, the initial depressions, lack of resources-like effects make the person stronger in some way and the success of these people will be higher in the future. (Related scientific article:

Based on the examples I have given above, whatever you go through in your life, do not let yourself be overwhelmed by sadness. If you do that, you're kind of dead actually. However, if you accept the negative condition you live in and try again in different ways, it will be inevitable that you will be much more successful, healthy and rich in the future. Never despair. Know that every bad event that happens to you will make you stronger, and build your future accordingly. Believe me, you will see that nothing can upset you if you live this way. (Nobody can upset you anyway, a person can only upset himself, I will write this in detail at a different time.) As a person is peaceful and happy, his brain works better and makes stronger decisions. Since there will be no stress in peace, the immune system works better and therefore it becomes healthier.

Hope you always stay in peace, 

See you soon.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Foreknowledge about caltelperion

Hello there,

I think the more knowledge is passed on to others, the better it is learned by the transmitter. For this reason, I aim to improve myself more by sharing the things I have learned in daily life with you. I will share all kinds of information that we encounter in daily life, not on a specific subject, in this blog.

It is obvious that knowledge makes the possessed person stronger in the eyes of those who do not have that knowledge in all ages and in all living things. For example, if an animal knows a hiding area unknown to others, it can escape from creatures that could harm it by running there. Or, if there is information about which minerals will be good for a plant in its genetics, it can develop in a much healthier way. Of course, we can see how important knowledge is in human beings by looking at history books.

For example, in the dark ages, it was quite simple for a person who knew how to use fire to manipulate other people. Knowledge in fields such as writing, electricity, steam, physics, chemistry, and mathematics made the person who had it for that period always in a higher position than other people. Nowadays, most of us basically have a lot of common knowledge. Especially with the introduction of the internet in our lives, the new information people learn has grown like an avalanche.

This growth actually comes from learning addiction. When a person learns new information, he feels the pleasure of that information and a hunger for more information. Each newly learned piece of information awakens a desire to do more research and read, and the person lives in this paradox. So is this a bad thing? I think we can only answer this question with another question, "Doesn't everything actually fall into two as good and bad according to the way of use?" So imagine if the work on the atom is geared towards improvements in the health or energy sector, that's good, but bad if it's used to make bombs. Therefore, hunger for knowledge also depends on how it is used. In other words, we cannot say this is a super thing, nor can we say bad because I use the word addiction.

I hope that the information I will share in these blog posts will be used in a good way, and just as I can access this information from others, I hope it will reach you through me and others through you. I hope it will be a long and nice journey. I am always open to your questions and suggestions.

See you soon,

Seeking Happiness or Accept?

Hello there, We all strive to be happier.  If I win the contest I participated in, if I have more money, if I can have the house-car I want,...