Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Seeking Happiness or Accept?

Hello there,

We all strive to be happier. If I win the contest I participated in, if I have more money, if I can have the house-car I want, if I can be with that girl-man… So we always pursue what we want, thinking that we will be happy if the things we want happen. So what exactly is happiness?

The definition of happiness is the state of joy, peace and tranquility. 

In other words, happiness is being happy and peaceful regardless of any conditions. However, we constantly reduce our possibility of being happy in the present by thinking that I will be more happy when this happens and more happy when etc.

For example, you want to publish a book and you think you will be very happy when you take out the book and sell it. Yes indeed, you can be quite happy when you take out that book and your sales multiply. Even unintentionally, you make yourself believe that you are not happy at that moment (enough) by thinking that your happiness at the moment you have this thought is lower than you can experience in the future. So what does this contribute to your thoughts? When I write this book and sell it, then I can be happy. Now you have created a process in which you will be unhappy for a long time. Of course, there will be little happiness, but you are so focused that you will be very happy at the end of the job (even if unintentionally) that most of the happiness you have now will not even be included in your memory.

With the thought of being happy in the future, you have prevented your current happiness. Well, at the end such a beautiful happiness will come, let's think that it will make up for it. Will such a thing really happen? Let's say you wrote the book, released it with the support of a publishing company and started selling. How many sales will you fully satisfy? 1 million? Then you will say that when I reach 1 million sales, will I be really happy? You have done the above-mentioned process of damaging the present happiness. When you make 1 million sales, this number will increase to 10 million, then to 100 million. So where is the limit? Unfortunately, you will not have a limit, you will want to publish the second book rather than a single book, and you will set yourself happiness goals based on your total book sales averages from now on.

What did we see in the example here? The person prevents himself from being happy by constantly sabotaging himself. However, what was the happiness; to be happy and peaceful. In this example, if our writer was happy to write a book without any limits on him, he would have written that book already, and he would be happy. It didn't matter whether he would put it on sale later or not, because his happiness would not depend on the sale and sale of the book, and therefore he would continue to be happy no matter what he did.

This is how we sabotage ourselves in our lives. He always acts by thinking that he is something that we will chase and catch and will be ours forever, and therefore we can never reach like a rabbit-carrot. In other words, yes, everyone can claim to be a little happy, but the moment we sets the condition for that great happiness he dreams of, that moment of great happiness never comes, it cannot come.

So what to do?

It is very simple to say, but unfortunately, it is not easy to put into practice. Just be happy and peaceful, live the moment. Do not carry the fear of the future on your back, the shadow of the past behind you. Recognize the moment you are in and be grateful for everything you have at that moment. Thank you a lot for everything you can do. When you are able to do these things, you will never be conditioned on your happiness, and the moment you do not, you realize that you are already happy and peaceful. Nothing can upset you, nothing can hurt you, nothing can bother you. The only person who can do these things to someone is the person himself. Your perspective on events and the way you think about them reveal your emotions and put you in that feeling.

You should realize that you are the only cause of every good and evil you have experienced, and you should know that you can reach you in the present as a result of every event that happened in the past. A person who is not satisfied with the state he is today will not be satisfied with tomorrow, either 1 year later. Love yourself and remember that all the good as well as the bad things that you have experienced make you into this person you love.

“The day that you stop running Is the day that you arrive” Morcheeba

We must end our pursuit of happiness and know that we already have it and that we can become happiness whenever we want. If you are not happy, you are the reason.


See you soon.


“Happiness is not something to be pursued in order to obtain it and then made an effort not to lose. Happiness comes and touches you whenever it wants, regardless of you The important thing is enjoying that unique moment of contact.” Victor Hugo

Friday, September 11, 2020

Foreknowledge about caltelperion

Hello there,

I think the more knowledge is passed on to others, the better it is learned by the transmitter. For this reason, I aim to improve myself more by sharing the things I have learned in daily life with you. I will share all kinds of information that we encounter in daily life, not on a specific subject, in this blog.

It is obvious that knowledge makes the possessed person stronger in the eyes of those who do not have that knowledge in all ages and in all living things. For example, if an animal knows a hiding area unknown to others, it can escape from creatures that could harm it by running there. Or, if there is information about which minerals will be good for a plant in its genetics, it can develop in a much healthier way. Of course, we can see how important knowledge is in human beings by looking at history books.

For example, in the dark ages, it was quite simple for a person who knew how to use fire to manipulate other people. Knowledge in fields such as writing, electricity, steam, physics, chemistry, and mathematics made the person who had it for that period always in a higher position than other people. Nowadays, most of us basically have a lot of common knowledge. Especially with the introduction of the internet in our lives, the new information people learn has grown like an avalanche.

This growth actually comes from learning addiction. When a person learns new information, he feels the pleasure of that information and a hunger for more information. Each newly learned piece of information awakens a desire to do more research and read, and the person lives in this paradox. So is this a bad thing? I think we can only answer this question with another question, "Doesn't everything actually fall into two as good and bad according to the way of use?" So imagine if the work on the atom is geared towards improvements in the health or energy sector, that's good, but bad if it's used to make bombs. Therefore, hunger for knowledge also depends on how it is used. In other words, we cannot say this is a super thing, nor can we say bad because I use the word addiction.

I hope that the information I will share in these blog posts will be used in a good way, and just as I can access this information from others, I hope it will reach you through me and others through you. I hope it will be a long and nice journey. I am always open to your questions and suggestions.

See you soon,

Seeking Happiness or Accept?

Hello there, We all strive to be happier.  If I win the contest I participated in, if I have more money, if I can have the house-car I want,...